The Central Lakes College Music Department presents Musicscape: A panorama of musical styles and eras. The CLC Community Band and Jazz Band, under the direction of Steve Anderson, will take the stage at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 24 at the Chalberg Theatre, Brainerd campus.
Admission is $5 for adults and children 12 and under and CLC students with I.D. are admitted free of charge. Sorry, no reserved seating or advanced ticket sales.
There will be a full program of music, including a 16th century Christmas carol, a 19th century cakewalk and a barn dance, and even a theme from the first computer animated TV series. The Jazz Band will feature music from Count Basie, Earth Wind and Fire, and Van Morrison.
The CLC music groups are composed of area students and community musicians from all age ranges.
More about The Community Band:
The Community Band rehearses on Monday evenings during the fall and spring seasons with the Brass Ensemble meeting in the winter from December to late February. Membership is open to students from 16 and up.