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Community Invited in “Charting the Future”

Central Lakes College and other Minnesota State Colleges and Universities are engaged in a collaborative process called Charting the Future to develop specific actions to better serve our students and communities, strengthen our colleges and universities, and protect our unique character and autonomy. 
Charting the Future (CTF) implementation teams in the areas of Student Success, Diversity, Comprehensive Workplace Solutions and System Incentives & Rewards have spent the past several months researching and developing initial ideas that will better serve our students and communities across the state and strengthen our colleges and universities. 
To learn more about the teams and the work being completed, visit the Charting the Future blog.
You can also join the conversation by following twitter.com/mnscu and using #ChartingTheFuture, or sending ideas, concerns or feedback to MyIdeas@so.mnscu.edu. There will also be an opportunity to provide in-person feedback at a campus Gallery Walk. 
Central Lakes College to Host Charting the Future Gallery Walk 
CLC will host a Charting the Future (CTF) Gallery Walk on Tuesday, November 4 from noon-2:30 p.m. in room E203 located in the CLC Business and Industry Center. The open-house style event is designed to provide students, faculty, staff, and community members an opportunity to react to the concepts and themes proposed by the CTF implementation teams. Please mark your calendar and plan to stop by if you are available.

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