Steve Wenzel, former area legislator now teaching political
science at Central Lakes College, received a surprise gift from Lori Swanson,
attorney general of Minnesota, during a recent visit to St. Paul. His gift: An
official State of Minnesota coffee mug signed by five former attorneys general,
including one who is 93 years old. Swanson said she gave the gift to Wenzel for
his “hard work and continued dedication to the State of Minnesota and CLC
students.” He accompanied CLC international students to the Capitol as part of
their effort to better understand American democracy. The students are from
India, Pakistan, and Indonesia. CCID Coordinator Megan Heppner said the students visited the Minnesota Museum of History and toured the State Capitol, where they had a one-hour discussion with former Speaker of the House, Steve Sviggum as well as an hour with the Attorney General. Erich Heppner, student life director, accompanied the group.
science at Central Lakes College, received a surprise gift from Lori Swanson,
attorney general of Minnesota, during a recent visit to St. Paul. His gift: An
official State of Minnesota coffee mug signed by five former attorneys general,
including one who is 93 years old. Swanson said she gave the gift to Wenzel for
his “hard work and continued dedication to the State of Minnesota and CLC
students.” He accompanied CLC international students to the Capitol as part of
their effort to better understand American democracy. The students are from
India, Pakistan, and Indonesia. CCID Coordinator Megan Heppner said the students visited the Minnesota Museum of History and toured the State Capitol, where they had a one-hour discussion with former Speaker of the House, Steve Sviggum as well as an hour with the Attorney General. Erich Heppner, student life director, accompanied the group.