The College Drive Reconstruction Project is essentially completed, making the road that passes the north side of the Brainerd Campus of Central lakes Colege into a four-lane, divided roadway. The project concluded today with a ribbon-cutting and remarks by key partners who have battled weather and other challenges along the way while coordinating this major effort to improve traffic flow and pedestrian safety. The crews from Anderson Brothers, Holden Electric, and numerous other subcontractors and public utlities have installed three roundabouts, two traffic signals, drainage, retaining walls, extensive sidewalk and trail improvements on the route that carries more than 15,000 vehicles daily, including a significant number of travelers to and from CLC. The project involved many long days and countless hours of design meetings, public forums, technical staff time, and visonary leadership. The communities of Brainerd and Baxter deserved the mplementation of the important link among residents, businesses, and agencies serving those who live and work in the area.