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MAELC board appointment

Dr. Larry Lundblad,
president of Central Lakes College (CLC) in Brainerd and Staples, has been
appointed to the Minnesota Agricultural Education Leadership Council (MAELC). Dr. Steven Rosenstone, chancellor of
the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities, made the appointment. MAELC is a 16-member legislative council dedicated to improving and restructuring Agricultural Education in Minnesota at all levels. Pre-school through adult learners benefit from the critical knowledge provided by Agricultural Education programs. From basic food systems knowledge to advanced processing sciences, agriculture is the key to one in four jobs in Minnesota. Only with sufficient Agricultural Education can the state continue to grow and prosper. Recognized for an ability to build partnerships with business and school districts, Dr. Lundblad has overseen notable enrollment growth at CLC, ensuring college presence as a driver of economic and cultural development.

Dr. Lundblad has been president of CLC since 2006.
He had been dean of curriculum, vice president, and chief academic officer at
South Central College, Mankato. He began his career as a college instructor.

           He earned a doctorate from the University of Minnesota with emphasis in
career, technical and adult education. His two master’s degrees are in psychology
and continuing studies. His two bachelor’s degrees are in horticulture-agronomy
and history-political science.
          Dr. Lundblad is active in several local organizations and contributes
time to national endeavors such as the Higher Education Learning Commission,
for which he has served as a consulting evaluator for the Accreditation Review
         Last spring he received the national 2012 Shirley B. Gordon Award of Distinction
from the Phi Theta Kappa honor society.
         MAELC was founded in 1997, and includes members
from various public, private, and governmental entities. These members are
agri-business leaders, teachers, legislators, and other people interested in
Agricultural Education. They come from a variety of rural, sub-urban, and urban
backgrounds to work together on challenges facing Agricultural Education.

About Chris

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