fall series of Cultural Thursday presentations at Central Lakes College,
Brainerd, will commence with two presentations on Cuba by CLC sociologist Gary
Payne on Thursday, Sept. 6. Both presentations will be in room E354
(lecture lab). The first presentation starts at noon and the somewhat longer
evening presentation at 7 p.m. Payne has made three trips to Cuba, accompanied twice by
his son Sayer in 1997 and in 2005. Cameras in hand, they traveled on foot, by
taxi and in rented cars around the island but spent most of their time in
Havana, staying with Cuban families. Payne will cover the turbulent history of
this nation, U.S. involvement in Cuban affairs, the nature of Cuba’s unique
brand of socialism and the culture that sprang from it. The
presentations are free and seats are limited; early arrival is suggested for