The Central Lakes College Practical Nursing (PN) and Associate Degree (AD) Nursing programs have always had Minnesota Board of Nursing (MBON) approval and Central Lakes College is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission. In 2010, MBON mandated that all state nursing programs be nationally accredited within specific guidelines that include Candidacy status by the National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission, Inc. (NLNAC). Schools have until Jan. 1, 2016 to either have accreditation or be candidates for it. CLC is on track, with Candidacy status attained and a visit from the NLNAC review team planned for August of 2013. “We have every expectation of being accredited well before the deadline,” said Connie Frisch, director of nursing at CLC. The nursing programs at CLC — PN and AD — continue to graduate professionals who earned nursing licensure at a high, first-pass rate of about 90 percent. That is above the state average. Including instructors in the Nursing Assistant program, CLC offers a qualified faculty of 24 plus an equally qualified lab coordinator with nursing credentials.