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Photo contest results

The 45th annual Central Lakes College Photo Contest in Brainerd was one of
the largest, with 72 photographers from 33 communities entering 490 photographs. The contest included nine categories — Landscape, Portrait, Action, Creative, Birds,
Animals, Flowers, Children, and the theme category Everything Under the Sun. Photographers from 13 communities were recognized for their Best of
Show images. Jamie Birkedahl of Nisswa,
a CLC student and 2009 Brainerd High School graduate, received Best of Show in the Everything
Under the Sun theme category with a narrow landscape of a sunrise viewed from
inside a cave.

Thea Romann, Perham, received the Best of Show Runner-up in the theme
category for a hot orange sun appearing to be melting with the melted reflection
on a lake.
Due to the large number of entries, each color category received a Best
of Subject award.  John Nielsen, Baxter,
received this award for “Animals,” with a picture of two romping grizzly bear
Samantha Laderer, a CLC photography student from Motley, received the
award for Children with a young child pulling off an unwanted flower
bandana.  Ann Marie Lamser, Brainerd, received
the award for Flowers with a close-up of a white lily.
Michael Perkins, Nisswa, received the award for Birds with a close-up
of a soaring bald eagle, in full wing span. 
He also received a Judge’s Award for this photo.
The Best of Subject in Action was awarded to CLC photography student Nick
Weeks, Buffalo, for a scene of a rodeo cowboy being bucked off a bronco.
Jessina Van Uden, received the award for Creative of a close-up of a
lone fishing bobber creating ripples in still blue water.
Megan Maki, a CLC photography student from Crookston, received the
award for Portrait of two young ladies pretending to hitch a ride on a freight
Sandy Arcand, Crosby, received the award for Landscape of a hidden
stream seen through trees in full bloom in the spring. She also received a Judge’s
Award for this photo.
Two other Judge’s Awards were given to Perkins for a duck (shown) swimming into
a grassy shoreline and to Dawn Pierce, a CLC photography student from Brainerd,
for a close-up of a rapid waterfall streaming over mossy rocks.
Best of Theme, Everything Under the Sun in black and white was awarded
to Marcia Flood, Aitkin, for a Monarch butterfly on a flower blossom.
Other black and white awards for Best in Show went to CLC photography student
Abraham Kretzman, Brainerd, for a close-up of a bobcat; and Best in Show
Runner-up to Jennifer Salvevold, a CLC photography student from Breezy Point,
for a creative photo of the front grill on a classic rusted car. 
Other Best of Subject in black and white were awarded as follows:
Barbara Heimer, Brainerd, in the Flower category for a close-up of a
white daisy; Alyssa Wagner, a CLC photography student from Clarissa, in the Children
category for three children running down a muddy road carrying sticks; Tina
Hawks, Brainerd, in the Action category for a young girl tossing leaves in the
air; Kim Bollig, a CLC Communication Art and Design student from Aldrich, in
the Portrait category for a sepia tone of a man and his dog; and Bill Kuehl,
Nisswa, in the  Landscape category for a sun
bursting through a snowy birch forest.

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