The April 2012 Cultural Thursday event held on the Brainerd campus proved to be one of the liveliest to date as international students presented an energetic, entertaining sample of the culture of India by joining Naresh Chunara for a demonstration of his country’s popular dance style. The students are here at CLC through the end of this semester as part of the Community College for International Development program. They introduced their mentor families during the program in Chalberg Theatre, and Naresh showed slides and in response to a question from the audience sang a song along with Irshad Hussain from Pakistan. CLc alumna Abra Fisk joined the students in their closing dance number, which included some audience participation. For a look at this outstanding lunch-hour showcase, go to
http://www.flickr.com/photos/58518185@N04 The next Cultural Thursday is May 3 and will feature Genevieve Avevor, a student from Ghana. It will be held in E203 in the Business and Industry Center at CLC. The Cultural Thursday programs are free and open to the public, running from noon to 12:50 p.m.