On Jan. 6 and 7 members of the Student Senate from each campus of Central Lakes College attended
the annual Minnesota State College Student Association Scholarship Dinner and
Leadership Conference in Bloomington. Last summer Steve Sabin, our Brainerd Campus Student Senate President,
ran a series of marathons to raise funds for the MSCSA Leadership Scholarship.
Steve was able to raise over $3,000 for the scholarship. These funds were
awarded to numerous high-achieving students from across the state, including our
own Julie Jo Larson. During the Scholarship Dinner Steve was awarded a medal by
MSCSA President Geoff Dittberner (right) and MnSCU Chancellor Steven Rosenstone to celebrate this
achievement.Congratulations! Also attending the event from CLC were Molly
Winters, Nick Weeks, Toy Ross Sullivan, Dylan Arcenau, Ethan Russell, Denny Benjamin, Mandi Drevlow, Catie Sabin, Erich Heppner (Student Life Director), Adam Schlangen, and Kendrich
the annual Minnesota State College Student Association Scholarship Dinner and
Leadership Conference in Bloomington. Last summer Steve Sabin, our Brainerd Campus Student Senate President,
ran a series of marathons to raise funds for the MSCSA Leadership Scholarship.
Steve was able to raise over $3,000 for the scholarship. These funds were
awarded to numerous high-achieving students from across the state, including our
own Julie Jo Larson. During the Scholarship Dinner Steve was awarded a medal by
MSCSA President Geoff Dittberner (right) and MnSCU Chancellor Steven Rosenstone to celebrate this
achievement.Congratulations! Also attending the event from CLC were Molly
Winters, Nick Weeks, Toy Ross Sullivan, Dylan Arcenau, Ethan Russell, Denny Benjamin, Mandi Drevlow, Catie Sabin, Erich Heppner (Student Life Director), Adam Schlangen, and Kendrich