Central Lakes College Natural Resources instructor Kent Montgomery and NR student Jodi DuBay of Apple Valley appear in a new video public service announcement prepared in partnership with the DNR, Crow Wing Soil and Conservation District, Thirty Lakes Watershed District, and University of Minnesota Extension. The short PSA starts with a light-hearted “hitchhiker” scene at the south entrance to Brainerd on Old Highway 371. Then the teacher and student share tips for avoiding the transport of Eurasian water milfoil and other aquatic invasive plant and animal species. The video with Montgomery and DuBay is one of two produced as part of the project to restrain further infestation, which has already affected 18 lakes in the state. “We hope to reach a unique audience with these videos by showing young people and families involved in this issue,” said Melissa Barrick, district manager with the SWCD. Distribution is through YouTube, Facebook, and other channels associated with younger audiences. To view, go to
www.co.crow-wing.mn.us/swcd and copies or links may be obtained from Barrick by e-mailing
melissa.barrick@co-crow-wing.mn.us or call (218) 828-6197.