About 20 area residents became “scrubs campers” last week at Central Lakes College in Brainerd. They were participants in the hands-on, Adult Scrubs Camp that provides an opportunity to be familiar with health care careers. Offered in partnership with area health and medical providers and Rural Minnesota Concentrated Employment Program, Inc., the camp demonstrated several kinds of experiences that can be encountered in nursing, medical assisting, mental health, dentistry, and other allied heath careers. Dawn Michel of the CLC Medical Assistant program showed how blood hemoglobin can be measured with one of many technological tools associated with that field. Amanda Roache offered to be the “patient” for the demonstration. Speakers included experts in radiology, imaging, lab etch, phlebotomy, pharmacy, chiropractic and massage. Professionals from St. Joseh’s Medical Center, Cuyuna Range Medical Center, and Rural MnCEP made presentations.