Scott Streed, director of technology services at Central Lakes College, presented a break-out session at the annual Information Technology Conference of Minnesota State Colleges and Universities held at Cragun’s Conference Center. Scott’s topic was “Putting Open Source to Work.” He demonstrated applications of the collaborative software available at no cost through Internet access. For the past decade, numerous Web-based software programs have become available as cost-saving, efficient improvements to organizations such as Central Lakes College. Scott’s audience included college and university counterparts, who have begun improving services on their campuses as a result of his one-hour presentation and accompanying materials. In addition to MnSCU institutions and the Office of the Chancellor, participants were from private institutions — Macalaster, Bethel, and Carleton. “Thanks to Scott’s initiative, CLC is a leader in MnSCU using open source applications,” said Michael Amick, dean of academic and technology services. “Other campuses were very interested in what he shared, especially during these budget times.”