Central Lakes College paid tribute to 11 retirees at its annual Recognition Event May 13. The retirees are Russ Jenkins, 17 years, welding; Terry Fairbanks, 20 years, criminal justice; Shirley Johnson, 20 years, Staples information center; Gerald Goltz, 22 years, Staples maintenance; Lee Todnem, 24 years, farm business management; Marilyn Moses, 26 years, English; Donald Garey, 26 years, communication art and design; James Takala, 28 years, farm business management; Nancy Smith, 31 years, health; Constance Vieths, 36 years, medical secretary. A number of employees were honored for years of service, and Betsy Picciano was acknowledged for being named one of four 2011 Outstanding Educator honorees selected by the MnSCU Board. Images: