Students in the Central Lakes College Honors Composition II: Public and Professional Writing course taught by Leane Flynn of the English Department presented a Research Showcase in the Lecture Hall of the Brainerd campus Monday. Guests included students, faculty, and administrators for the one-hour program based on semester-long investigation of individual topics. Student presenters were Julie Jo Larson, Brainerd, on the Mozart Effect: Educational Use Grades K-12; Mitch Collins, Aitkin, on Government Censorship in China and Impact on Economy; and Maggie Tiede (pictured), Remer, on Education Out of the Box; Homeschooling’s Place in Education Reform. The students reviewed highlights of their findings and cited sources and rationale for positions where appropriate. “This showcase was intended to stimulate interaction and exchange of ideas among students,” said Leane of the assignment. Students with qualifying aptitude are enrolled in the Honors AA Degree program that offers a liberal arts curriculum for transfer to greater academic challenge upon graduating from CLC.