Fifteen Central Lakes College students from the Staples campus have earned awards in graphic design and photography competition sponsored by the St. Cloud-based Advertising/Marketing Federation of Central Minnesota. Selection of the most creative entries is effected by a scoring process in which a panel of judges evaluates all creative dimensions of every entry. A Gold ADDY® Award is recognition of the highest level of creative excellence and is judged to be superior to all other entries in the competition. Entries that are also considered outstanding and worthy of recognition receive a Silver ADDY® Award. The number of awards given in each category is determined by the judges, based on the relative quality of work in that category. Amber Rose Hulke of Nisswa (pictured) led the way with three ADDY® Awards, including Best of Show. The second-year Communication Art and Design student also earned two Gold awards. Jen Bock of Baxter received a Judge’s Choice Award and Silver in design. Other ADDY-winning students from the CLC Communication Art and Design program were Michaella Johnson, Riverton, with two Silvers, and James Kevin Ballinger, Brainerd, with Gold. CLC Photographic Imaging Technology students who won awards were Dawn Pierce, Brainerd, and Megan Billings, Silver Bay, with one Gold each and Silvers for Billings plus Matthew Wimer and Jeffrey Mozey, Brainerd; Kimberly Bollig, Aldrich; Shelly Borchert and Vanessa Lenzen, both of Eagle Bend; Megan Maki, Crookston; Robert Jones and Jonathan Calix, Staples; and Josephine Anundsen, Sartell.