Central Lakes College Cultural Thursdays Program will be hosting a FREE Zoom Webinar entitled Tanzania: Teaching and Growing on Thursday, Nov. 5, 2020 from 12-1 p.m. Forestview Middle School English Language Arts Instructor, Helene Danielson, will present on her life-changing experience in Tanzania.
Helene Danielson spent the month of June 2019 teaching English to under-resourced children in Tanzania. She came home filled with gratitude & hope, a desire to simplify life, and a disdain for plastic bags! Through a partnership between Concordia College and the Grumeti Fund, community outreach is provided to children in villages bordering the Grumeti Game Reserve, just north of Serengeti National Park. Helene will discuss her experiences with the children she served, as well as the animals she saw while living on the game reserve (think elephants every day, baboons that stole supplies, and 2 amazing game drives to observe wildlife). Join us and learn more about Helene’s amazing experience on Thursday, Nov. 5.
To register for the event, please visit: https://tinyurl.com/y3szc9nb
After registering, you will immediately receive a link to the webinar. In addition, a reminder e-mail will be sent a day before the event. For questions about this presentation or the Cultural Thursdays Series, please contact Tracey Kloeckl-Jimenez 218-855-8183.