Congratulations to each of our graduates! These students have completed degree, diploma or certificate programs. The list includes all but those students with data privacy requested.
Central Lakes College is a comprehensive community and technical college in the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities System. The college serves about 5,400 students annually in liberal arts and career education programs.
Spring Semester:
First Name | Last Name | Degree | Program |
Sandra | Afriyie | Associate of Arts | |
Tamar | Aho | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Practical Nursing |
Seth | Akoto | Associate of Science | Nursing |
Hannah | Aldrich | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Graphic Design |
Lizbet | Alvarez De Botello | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Practical Nursing |
Ally | Anderson | Associate of Arts Honors | |
Amy | Anderson | Associate of Arts | |
Jake | Anderson | Associate of Arts | |
Krista | Anderson | Certificate | Microsoft Office Professional |
Krista | Anderson | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Computer Support Specialist |
Krista | Anderson | Associate of Applied Science | Computer Information Technology |
Leslie | Anderson | Associate of Applied Science | Graphic Design |
Leslie | Anderson | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Graphic Design |
Madison | Anderson | Certificate | Law Enforcement Skills |
Madison | Anderson | Associate of Applied Science | Criminal Justice |
Nicholas | Anderson | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | CNC Technologies |
Eli | Baerg | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Heavy Equipment Operation & Maintenance |
Valerie | Bain | Associate of Applied Science | Computer Information Technology |
Kari | Baker | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Practical Nursing |
Marianne | Bakkila | Associate of Applied Science | Business Management |
Charlie | Banks, Jr. | Certificate | Criminal Justice |
Kathryn | Barna | Associate of Arts | |
Nickolas | Barth | Associate of Arts | |
Paige | Barthel | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Practical Nursing |
Dwight | Barton | Associate of Arts | |
Kelly | Bendson | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Practical Nursing |
Alexandra | Benning | Associate of Arts | |
Tanner | Bergerson | Associate of Arts | |
David | Bergin | Associate of Arts | |
Angelica | Beto | Associate of Arts | |
Joshua | Blanchard | Associate of Arts | |
James | Block | Associate of Arts | |
Kelly | Blowers | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Practical Nursing |
Emily | Bonar | Associate of Arts | |
Maggie | Borg | Associate of Arts | |
Mitch | Boros | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Heavy Equipment Operation & Maintenance |
Jonathan | Bostrom | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | CNC Technologies |
Tracy | Boughton | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Practical Nursing |
Justice | Bowers | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Practical Nursing |
Matthew | Boyer | Associate of Applied Science | Individualized Studies |
Alana | Bozell | Associate of Arts | |
Makayla | Brambrink | Certificate | Bookkeeping |
Kendra | Brasel | Associate of Science | Nursing |
Austin | Bredesen | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Heavy Equipment Operation & Maintenance |
James | Brennan | Associate of Arts | |
Thomas | Brewer | Associate of Arts | |
Brittney | Brezinka | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Accountant |
Brittney | Brezinka | Certificate | Bookkeeping |
Peyton | Brezinsky | Associate of Arts | |
Caitlin | Brooks | Associate of Arts | |
Dylan | Brown | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Heavy Equipment Operation & Maintenance |
Rachel | Buchite | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Individualized Studies |
Barrett | Campbell | Associate of Arts | |
Jacob | Carley | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | CNC Technologies |
Madilyn | Carley | Associate of Science | Nursing |
Gavin | Chamberlin | Associate of Applied Science | Computer Network Administration |
Ryan | Chapman | Associate of Applied Science | Computer Network Administration |
Lynn | Christensen | Associate of Science | Nursing |
Cameron | Christiansen | Associate of Arts | |
Garret | Christopherson | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Videography Production |
Clara | Cline | Certificate | Phlebotomy Technician |
Korben | Cline | Associate of Applied Science | CNC Technologies |
Korben | Cline | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | CNC Technologies |
MaKayla | Clough | Associate of Arts | |
Nikita | Collette | Associate of Arts | |
Makayla | Conrad-Kassa | Certificate | Deaf Studies |
Makayla | Conrad-Kassa | Associate of Arts | |
Casey | Coombs | Associate of Arts | |
Matthew | Copa | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Heavy Equipment Operation & Maintenance |
Lauren | Crenna | Associate of Arts | |
Tyler | Cromwell | Associate of Arts | |
Kristi | Cummings | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Practical Nursing |
Taylor | Cummings | Associate of Arts | |
Kayla | Cyr | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Practical Nursing |
Brant | Dabill | Associate of Arts | |
Susan | Dahl | Associate of Arts | |
Emily | Daiker | Associate of Arts | |
Jory | Danielson | Associate of Arts | |
Jory | Danielson | Associate of Applied Science | Business Management |
Kelly | Dano | Associate of Arts | |
Tyler | Davidson | Associate of Applied Science | Computer Information Technology |
Dawn | Davis | Associate of Applied Science | Child Development, Care & Guidance |
Rebecca | Davis | Certificate | Deaf Studies |
Jonathan | Decker | Associate of Applied Science | CNC Technologies |
David | Dewey | Associate of Arts | |
Sara | Dobmeier | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Occupational Skills |
Hannah | Dolezal | Associate of Arts | |
Abigail | Doran | Associate of Arts | |
Madeline | Doroff | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Practical Nursing |
Brianna | Dufour | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Practical Nursing |
Madison | Eggum | Associate of Arts | |
Elizabeth | Eigen | Associate of Arts | |
Corina | Ellstrom | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Practical Nursing |
Samuel | Elson | Associate of Arts | |
Amelia | Emery | Associate of Arts | |
Alexander | Engholm | Associate of Arts | |
Shelby | Erdrich | Associate of Science | Nursing |
Alex | Erickson | Associate of Arts | |
Courtney | Eschenbacher | Associate of Arts | |
Lexia | Eschenbacher | Associate of Science | Nursing |
Jaden | Evenson | Associate of Arts | |
Nicholas | Finken | Certificate | Robotic Offline Programming Advanced |
Nicholas | Finken | Certificate | Robotic Human Machine Interface Advanced |
Nicholas | Finken | Certificate | Robotic Welding Advanced |
Nicholas | Finken | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Mechatronics |
Nicholas | Finken | Certificate | Robotic Manufacturing |
Matthew | Fisher | Associate of Arts | |
Lauren | Fleming | Associate of Science | Nursing |
Britney | Fletcher | Associate of Arts | |
Kellie | Fletcher | Associate of Arts | |
Kellie | Fletcher | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Practical Nursing |
Jennifer | Flom | Certificate | Microsoft Office Professional |
Drake | Foner | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Heavy Equipment Operation & Maintenance |
Tia | Ford | Associate of Arts | |
Kaia | Forde | Associate of Arts | |
Jacob | Fort | Associate of Applied Science | Videography Production |
Ashley | Foust | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Practical Nursing |
Sarah | Fransen | Associate of Science | Nursing |
Gima | Gagwua Justin | Associate of Science | Nursing |
Kristiana | Galema | Associate of Arts | |
Stephenie | Gallant | Associate of Applied Science | Computer Information Technology |
Christopher | Gammon | Associate of Arts | |
Rachel | Gammon | Associate of Applied Science | Accountant |
Jessica | Gandy | Associate of Science | Nursing |
Jessica | Gandy | Associate of Arts | |
Hudson | Garcia | Associate of Arts | |
Gregory | Gentry II | Associate of Arts | |
Heather | Gfroerer | Associate of Science | Nursing |
Madelynn | Gibbons | Associate of Arts | |
Caitlyn | Gibson | Associate of Arts | |
Caitlyn | Gibson | Associate of Science | Nursing |
Cameron | Gielow | Associate of Applied Science | Computer Network Administration |
Morgan | Gilbert | Associate of Arts | |
Eloise | Gitchell | Associate of Arts | |
Jake | Giuliani | Associate of Applied Science | Welding & Fabrication |
Sarah | Glass | Associate of Arts | Psychology Transfer Pathway |
Sarah | Glass | Associate of Arts | |
Isabel | Glover | Associate of Arts | |
Jordan | Goddard | Associate of Arts | |
Melissa | Goede | Associate of Applied Science | Healthcare Administrative Specialist |
Talina | Gonzalez | Associate of Arts | |
Brenda | Gotvald | Associate of Arts | |
Walker | Grausam | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Heavy Equipment Operation & Maintenance |
Johnathan | Greeley | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Occupational Skills |
Kelly | Gregory | Associate of Arts | |
Eric | Griesert | Associate of Applied Science | Robotics/Automated Systems Technology |
Eric | Griesert | Certificate | Robotic Welding Advanced |
Eric | Griesert | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Mechatronics |
Eric | Griesert | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Robotics/Automated Systems Technology |
Eric | Griesert | Certificate | Robotic Offline Programming Advanced |
Eric | Griesert | Certificate | Robotic Human Machine Interface Advanced |
Eric | Griesert | Certificate | Robotic Manufacturing |
Heidi | Grinde | Associate of Applied Science | Horticulture |
Heidi | Grinde | Certificate | Sustainable Local Food |
Kalyn | Gritzmacher | Associate of Arts | |
Jennifer | Grondahl | Associate of Science | Nursing |
Alex | Gross | Associate of Arts | |
Alex | Guggisberg | Associate of Applied Science | Natural Resources Technology |
Sara | Gustafson | Associate of Arts | |
Bailey | Haataja | Associate of Arts | |
Marcia | Haiart | Associate of Arts | |
Kaitlyn | Hanlon | Associate of Arts | |
Kaitlyn | Hanlon | Associate of Science | Nursing |
Donald | Hannahs, Jr. | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Computer Support Specialist |
Morgan | Hanneken | Associate of Arts | |
Hunter | Hansen | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Heavy Equipment Operation & Maintenance |
Kaitlyn | Hanson | Certificate | Deaf Studies |
Kathleen | Hanych | Certificate | Office Assistant |
Summer | Hardy | Associate of Arts Honors | |
Cambie | Hart | Associate of Science | Nursing |
Nicole | Hartman | Associate of Arts | |
Paula | Hartman | Associate of Arts | |
Samantha | Hartman | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Practical Nursing |
Samantha | Hartman | Associate of Arts | |
Michael | Hartwig | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Marine & Power Sports Technology |
Kaila | Hauglie | Associate of Arts | |
Chloe | Hawks | Associate of Arts | |
Gabrialla | Heck | Associate of Arts | |
Janaya | Heffron | Certificate | Deaf Studies |
Kailynn | Heide | Associate of Applied Science | Graphic Design |
Cory | Heinlen | Certificate | Bookkeeping |
Cory | Heinlen | Associate of Applied Science | Accountant |
Taylor | Heldman | Associate of Applied Science | Child Development, Care & Guidance |
Taylor | Heldman | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Child Development Assistant |
Haley | Helmin | Associate of Arts | |
Ethan | Hendrickson | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Landscape Technology |
Maddison | Hensch | Associate of Arts | |
Christian | Higgins | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Heavy Equipment Operation & Maintenance |
Eric | Hinnenkamp | Associate of Arts | |
Jaycie | Hinrichs | Associate of Arts | |
Kaitlin | Hockett | Associate of Applied Science | Business Management |
Brandy | Hoemberg | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Practical Nursing |
Abigail | Hoffman | Associate of Arts | |
Chelsea | Hofmann | Associate of Arts | |
Jordan | Hofstrand | Associate of Arts | |
Daniel | Holman | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Heavy Equipment Operation & Maintenance |
Elizabeth | Holmgren | Associate of Applied Science | Graphic Design |
Brooke | Holsapple | Associate of Science | Nursing |
Anthony | Horak | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Heavy Equipment Operation & Maintenance |
Mary | Hoskins | Associate of Arts | |
Megan | Host | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Practical Nursing |
Jacob | Houser | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Heavy Equipment Operation & Maintenance |
Taylor | Hovde | Associate of Arts | |
Justin | Howe | Associate of Arts | |
Kathryne | Hudson | Associate of Applied Science | Business Management |
Joshua | Huff | Associate of Arts | |
Evan | Hughes | Certificate | Robotic Human Machine Interface Advanced |
Evan | Hughes | Certificate | Robotic Offline Programming Advanced |
Evan | Hughes | Certificate | Robotic Welding Advanced |
Theresa | Hutton-Walsh | Associate of Arts | |
Theresa | Hutton-Walsh | Associate of Applied Science | Special Education |
Alison | Jacobs | Associate of Arts | |
Kalie | Jay | Associate of Applied Science | Graphic Design |
Alison | Johanneck | Associate of Arts | |
Alison | Johanneck | Associate of Applied Science | Dental Assisting |
Jayna | Johannes | Associate of Arts | |
Grace | Johnson | Associate of Arts | |
Jenna | Johnson | Associate of Applied Science | Natural Resources Technology |
Karen | Johnson | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Practical Nursing |
Kirsten | Johnson | Associate of Science | Nursing |
LaQuan | Johnson | Associate of Arts | |
McKennan | Johnson | Associate of Arts | |
Melissa | Johnson | Associate of Arts | |
Sydnie | Johnson | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Occupational Skills |
Thor | Johnson | Associate of Applied Science | Marine & Power Sports Technology |
Sadie | Jordan | Associate of Arts | |
Heather | Joslin | Certificate | Criminal Justice |
Josef | Kamen | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Greenhouse Production |
Josef | Kamen | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Landscape Technology |
Alexander | Kangas | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Robotics/Automated Systems Technology |
Alexander | Kangas | Certificate | Robotic Human Machine Interface Advanced |
Alexander | Kangas | Certificate | Robotic Welding Advanced |
Alexander | Kangas | Certificate | Robotic Offline Programming Advanced |
Alexander | Kangas | Certificate | Robotic Manufacturing |
Alexander | Kangas | Associate of Applied Science | Robotics/Automated Systems Technology |
Alexander | Kangas | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Mechatronics |
Jenifer | Kappler | Associate of Science | Nursing |
Noah | Karsnia | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Heavy Equipment Operation & Maintenance |
Mackenzie | Kary | Certificate | Robotic Human Machine Interface Advanced |
Mackenzie | Kary | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Mechatronics |
Mackenzie | Kary | Certificate | Robotic Welding Advanced |
Mackenzie | Kary | Certificate | Robotic Offline Programming Advanced |
Mackenzie | Kary | Certificate | Robotic Manufacturing |
Mackenzie | Kary | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Robotics/Automated Systems Technology |
Amanda | Kasper | Associate of Applied Science | Computer Network Administration |
Zoey | Katke | Certificate | Deaf Studies |
Brady | Keehr | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Heavy Equipment Operation & Maintenance |
Malik | Kelly | Associate of Arts | |
Anthony | King | Associate of Arts | |
Erika | Klein | Associate of Arts | |
Erika | Klein | Certificate | Women’s Studies |
Sarah | Kolstad | Associate of Arts | |
Philip | Kostecka | Associate of Arts | |
Brooklyn | Kovach | Associate of Arts | |
Crystal | Kowalczyk | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Practical Nursing |
Tera | Kowalczyk | Associate of Arts | |
Ophelia | Kpewoan | Associate of Science | Nursing |
Rebekah | Kucala | Associate of Arts | |
Amy | Kulju | Associate of Arts | |
Brandon | LaClair | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Heavy Equipment Operation & Maintenance |
MaeAnna | LaFavor | Associate of Arts | |
Jack | LaFontaine | Associate of Arts | |
Naomi | Lane | Certificate | Deaf Studies |
Naomi | Lane | Associate of Arts | |
Hannah | LaRock | Associate of Arts | |
David | Larson | Certificate | Microsoft Office Professional |
David | Larson | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Computer Support Specialist |
David | Larson | Associate of Applied Science | Computer Network Administration |
Kristina | Leaf | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Practical Nursing |
Jordan | Lease | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Heavy Equipment Operation & Maintenance |
Ashley | LeBlanc | Associate of Arts | |
Crystal | LeBlanc | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Occupational Skills |
Jackson | Leckner | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Heavy Equipment Operation & Maintenance |
Alison | Lenz | Associate of Arts | |
Brianna | LeTourneau | Associate of Science | Nursing |
Megan | Lewis | Associate of Arts | |
Shelain | Lewis | Associate of Arts | |
Ashlyn | Libby | Associate of Arts | |
Jodi | Liberty | Associate of Applied Science | Horticulture |
Jodi | Liberty | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Sustainable Greenhouse Production |
Jodi | Liberty | Certificate | Sustainable Local Food |
Emma | Liebsch | Associate of Arts | |
Jake | Liljequist | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Heavy Equipment Operation & Maintenance |
Jaden | Lindner | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Practical Nursing |
Megan | Lintner | Associate of Science | Nursing |
Rachel | Lloyd | Associate of Applied Science | Accountant |
Rachel | Lloyd | Certificate | Bookkeeping |
Jazzlyn | Logelin | Associate of Arts | |
Shyanne | Loiland | Associate of Arts | |
Louis | Longo | Associate of Applied Science | Computer Information Technology |
Taylor | Lunde | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Occupational Skills |
Alex | Maciej | Associate of Arts | |
Taylor | Madsen | Associate of Arts Honors | |
Aaron | Maleska | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Heavy Equipment Operation & Maintenance |
Destiny | Mankowski | Associate of Applied Science | Natural Resources Technology |
Destiny | Mankowski | Certificate | Wildlife Tourism |
Courtney | Mantell | Associate of Arts | |
Nicole | Martin | Associate of Applied Science | Business Management |
Kayla | Mass | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Practical Nursing |
Angela | Masurka | Associate of Arts Honors | |
Samantha | Max | Associate of Arts | |
Claire | Mayhew | Associate of Applied Science | Graphic Design |
Kylie | McDuffee | Associate of Arts | |
Bailey | McFarland | Associate of Applied Science | Child Development, Care & Guidance |
Bailey | McMahon | Associate of Arts | |
Austin | Meister | Associate of Arts | |
Courtney | Metzler | Associate of Arts | |
Brianna | Meyer | Associate of Arts | |
Garrett | Michaletz | Associate of Arts | |
Justin | Miller | Associate of Applied Science | Business Management |
Zachary | Milligan | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Heavy Equipment Operation & Maintenance |
Claire | Minor | Associate of Applied Science | Individualized Studies |
Tyann | Minteer | Certificate | Phlebotomy Technician |
Matthew | Mohs | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Marine & Power Sports Technology |
Emily | Moore | Certificate | Deaf Studies |
Shayna | Moore | Associate of Arts Honors | |
Alyson | Morris | Associate of Arts | |
Christian | Morris | Associate of Applied Science | Accountant |
Samuel | Morris | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Accountant |
Samuel | Morris | Associate of Applied Science | Accountant |
Rosita | Musasizi | Associate of Applied Science | Business Management |
Meg | Myers | Associate of Arts | |
Victoria | Neff | Associate of Arts | |
Elizabeth | Nelson | Associate of Arts | |
Jaymi | Nelson | Associate of Arts | |
Mark | Nephew | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Marine & Power Sports Technology |
Devon | Newago | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Heavy Equipment Operation & Maintenance |
Brooke | Newman | Associate of Arts | |
James | Newman | Certificate | Robotic Offline Programming Advanced |
James | Newman | Certificate | Robotic Human Machine Interface Advanced |
James | Newman | Certificate | Robotic Welding Advanced |
James | Newman | Certificate | Robotic Manufacturing |
James | Newman | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Mechatronics |
James | Newman | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Robotics/Automated Systems Technology |
Abdoulie | Ngum | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Practical Nursing |
David | Nibbe | Associate of Arts | |
Trevor | Nies | Certificate | Microsoft Office Professional |
Trevor | Nies | Associate of Applied Science | Computer Information Technology |
Trevor | Nies | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Computer Support Specialist |
Lucas | Niesen | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Graphic Design |
Lucas | Niesen | Associate of Applied Science | Graphic Design |
Rebecca | Nordby | Associate of Arts | |
Julie | Nordstrom | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Practical Nursing |
Carter | Novak | Associate of Arts | |
James | Ochs II | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Heavy Equipment Operation & Maintenance |
Elijah | O’Dell | Associate of Arts | |
Jaxon | Olander | Certificate | Robotic Manufacturing |
Jaxon | Olander | Associate of Applied Science | Robotics/Automated Systems Technology |
Jaxon | Olander | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Robotics/Automated Systems Technology |
Jaxon | Olander | Certificate | Robotic Offline Programming Advanced |
Jaxon | Olander | Certificate | Robotic Human Machine Interface Advanced |
Jaxon | Olander | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Mechatronics |
Jaxon | Olander | Certificate | Robotic Welding Advanced |
Anna | Olson | Associate of Applied Science | Horticulture |
Anna | Olson | Certificate | Sustainable Local Food |
Austin | Olson | Associate of Arts | |
Logan | Olson | Associate of Applied Science | Individualized Studies |
Merissa | Olson | Associate of Applied Science | Graphic Design |
Nathaniel | Olson | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Robotics/Automated Systems Technology |
Nathaniel | Olson | Certificate | Robotic Manufacturing |
Nathaniel | Olson | Associate of Applied Science | Robotics/Automated Systems Technology |
Aiyana | Oman | Associate of Arts | |
Megan | O’Neil | Associate of Applied Science | Healthcare Administrative Specialist |
Luke | O’Reilly | Associate of Arts | |
Emily | Orsello | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Practical Nursing |
Olivia | Osborne | Associate of Arts | |
Rachel | Ostlund | Certificate | Criminal Justice |
Kaitlin | Pachan | Associate of Applied Science | Business Management |
Dylan | Parsons | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Heavy Equipment Operation & Maintenance |
Chelsea | Paulson | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Practical Nursing |
William | Peabody | Associate of Arts | |
Benjamin | Perbix | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Occupational Skills |
Dylan | Perrine | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Occupational Skills |
Avalon | Peterson | Associate of Arts | |
Cassy | Peterson | Associate of Applied Science | Healthcare Administrative Specialist |
Julie | Peterson | Associate of Applied Science | Business Management |
Maiah | Peterson | Associate of Arts | |
Orlin | Peterson | Associate of Applied Science | Videography Production |
Ashlyn | Pfeil | Associate of Science | Nursing |
Kailey | Piekkenpol | Associate of Arts | |
Shelby | Pierson | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Occupational Skills |
Corbin | Pikula | Associate of Arts | |
Laura | Platt | Associate of Arts | |
Megan | Plemel | Associate of Arts | |
Sara | Poehler | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Healthcare Administrative Specialist |
Sara | Poehler | Associate of Applied Science | Healthcare Administrative Specialist |
Miranda | Pogreba | Associate of Science | Nursing |
Mitchell | Pontius | Associate of Arts | |
Tate | Potter | Associate of Arts | |
Brandon | Praught | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Heavy Equipment Operation & Maintenance |
Matt | Prebarich | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Heavy Equipment Operation & Maintenance |
Jaylee | Preiss | Associate of Arts | |
Dena | Pribbenow | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Practical Nursing |
Hudson | Pung | Associate of Arts | |
Jack | Quaal | Associate of Arts | |
Alexandra | Raiden Ritter | Associate of Applied Science | Business Management |
Suzanne | Redding | Associate of Arts | |
Berrous | Rekemesik | Associate of Arts | |
Carey | Rezac | Associate of Arts | |
Breanna | Rhodes | Associate of Arts | |
Brooke | Richards | Associate of Science | Nursing |
Liam | Richardson | Associate of Arts | |
Alexia | Rickard | Associate of Arts | |
Alexia | Rickard | Associate of Arts | Psychology Transfer Pathway |
Noah | Riedel | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Heavy Equipment Operation & Maintenance |
Kelsi | Roberts | Associate of Science | Nursing |
Ashley | Robinson | Associate of Arts | |
Courtney | Rock | Associate of Arts | |
Olivia | Roers | Associate of Arts | |
Connor | Rono | Certificate | Robotic Manufacturing |
Connor | Rono | Certificate | Robotic Human Machine Interface Advanced |
Connor | Rono | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Robotics/Automated Systems Technology |
Connor | Rono | Certificate | Robotic Welding Advanced |
Connor | Rono | Certificate | Robotic Offline Programming Advanced |
Connor | Rono | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Mechatronics |
Madison | Ross | Associate of Science | Nursing |
Shania | Rossum | Associate of Applied Science | Horticulture |
Shania | Rossum | Certificate | Sustainable Local Food |
Leslie | Rowland | Associate of Applied Science | Computer Information Technology |
Leslie | Rowland | Certificate | Phlebotomy Technician |
Kelsey | Saba | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Accountant |
Corrine | Sanbeck | Associate of Arts | |
Hunter | Sandord | Associate of Arts | |
Danielle | Sarff | Associate of Applied Science | Business Management |
Mary | Schaefbauer | Certificate | Entrepreneurship |
Mary | Schaefbauer | Associate of Applied Science | Business Management |
Andrea | Schaefer | Associate of Arts | |
Hannah | Schaust | Associate of Arts | |
Bethany | Schilling | Associate of Arts | |
Mariah | Schilling | Associate of Arts | |
Samantha | Schimpp | Associate of Arts | |
Payton | Schlosser | Associate of Arts | |
Jacob | Schoenberg | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Heavy Equipment Operation & Maintenance |
Daniel | Schorn | Associate of Applied Science | Marine & Power Sports Technology |
Carlie | Schroeder | Associate of Arts | |
Nancy | Schroeder | Associate of Arts | |
Logan | Schweitzberger | Associate of Applied Science | Computer Network Administration |
Parker | Segel | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Heavy Equipment Operation & Maintenance |
Tyler | Seliger | Associate of Arts | |
Mary Kate | Shipman | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Practical Nursing |
Melanie | Simonson | Certificate | Entrepreneurship |
Melanie | Simonson | Associate of Applied Science | Business Management |
Kelly | Sipper | Associate of Applied Science | Natural Resources Technology |
Audrey | Sivigny | Certificate | Deaf Studies |
Brittany Jo | Smieja | Associate of Science | Nursing |
Cassaundra | Smieja | Associate of Arts | |
Emmanuel | Smith | Associate of Arts | |
Gavin | Smith | Associate of Arts | |
Shelby | Smith | Associate of Science | Nursing |
Travis | Smith | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Heavy Equipment Operation & Maintenance |
Christian | Soltvedt | Associate of Applied Science | Graphic Design |
Parker | Sorensen | Associate of Applied Science | Welding & Fabrication |
Kelsey | Speer | Associate of Applied Science | Videography Production |
Kailey | Springer | Associate of Arts | |
Shantel | Stangel | Associate of Arts | |
Dustin | Stark | Associate of Arts | |
Madelyn | Stone | Associate of Arts | |
Madelyn | Stone | Associate of Arts | Psychology Transfer Pathway |
Alicia | Storkamp | Associate of Arts | |
Rushellane | Strobel | Associate of Applied Science | Accountant |
Rushellane | Strobel | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Accountant |
Ethan | Sullens | Associate of Applied Science | Videography Production |
Hannah | Swanson | Associate of Arts Honors | |
Lucas | Tangen | Associate of Arts | |
Laura | Tautges | Associate of Arts | |
Alaina | Taylor | Associate of Applied Science | Natural Resources Technology |
Alaina | Taylor | Certificate | Wildlife Tourism |
Levi | Taylor | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Mechatronics |
Levi | Taylor | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Robotics/Automated Systems Technology |
Levi | Taylor | Certificate | Robotic Human Machine Interface Advanced |
Levi | Taylor | Certificate | Robotic Offline Programming Advanced |
Levi | Taylor | Certificate | Robotic Welding Advanced |
Levi | Taylor | Associate of Applied Science | Robotics/Automated Systems Technology |
Levi | Taylor | Certificate | Robotic Manufacturing |
Colton | Tellefson | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Occupational Skills |
Jorden | Thatcher | Associate of Applied Science | Natural Resources Technology |
Chantrelle | Thayer | Associate of Arts | |
Sadie | Thompson | Associate of Arts Honors | |
Toni | Tibbetts | Associate of Applied Science | Computer Information Technology |
Dilan | Tibert | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Heavy Equipment Operation & Maintenance |
BreAnne | Tollefson | Associate of Applied Science | Individualized Studies |
Tiffany | Tougas | Associate of Applied Science | Special Education |
David | Trimble | Certificate | Office Assistant |
Hunter | Turcotte | Associate of Arts | |
Mariah | Turner | Associate of Arts | |
Kyle | Tveit | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Heavy Equipment Operation & Maintenance |
Brian | Twiss | Associate of Applied Science | Videography Production |
Amanda | Unger | Associate of Arts | |
Jeremie | Vanek | Associate of Arts | |
Jacob | VanRisseghem | Associate of Arts | |
Logan | Veo | Associate of Arts | |
Sarah | Volden | Associate of Science | Nursing |
Kayla | Voss | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Graphic Design |
Kayla | Voss | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Graphic Design Media Technologies |
Kayla | Voss | Associate of Applied Science | Graphic Design |
Zack | Wagner | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Heavy Equipment Operation & Maintenance |
Kennedee | Walczak | Associate of Arts | |
Sydney | Wallace | Associate of Arts | |
Megan | Waller | Certificate | Deaf Studies |
Shakira | Warta | Associate of Arts | |
Steve | Wattenhofer | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Heavy Equipment Operation & Maintenance |
Katelyn | Waytashek | Associate of Arts Honors | |
Tyler | Weiss | Associate of Science | Nursing |
Tyler | Weiss | Associate of Arts | |
Neil | Weller | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Marine & Power Sports Technology |
Jaden | Wendt | Certificate | Deaf Studies |
Anna | Westerlund | Associate of Arts | |
Brooke | Whipple | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Machine Operations |
Derek | Wiechmann | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Heavy Equipment Operation & Maintenance |
David | Wilhelm | Associate of Arts | Psychology Transfer Pathway |
David | Wilhelm | Associate of Arts | |
Tori | Wind | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Occupational Skills |
Case | Wohlers | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Heavy Equipment Operation & Maintenance |
Amber | Woitalla | Associate of Arts | |
Heather | Wonders | Associate of Arts | |
Jennifer | Worcester | Associate of Arts | |
Rekha | Yadav | Associate of Applied Science | Healthcare Administrative Specialist |
Peter | Yunker | Associate of Arts | |
Calvin | Zapzalka | Associate of Arts | |
MacKenzie | Zetah | Associate of Arts | |
Wyatt | Zuhlsdorf | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Occupational Skills |
Grant | Zupko | Associate of Arts |
Fall Semester
First Name | Last Name | Degree | Program |
Jenae | Anderson | Associate of Science | Nursing |
Emma | Armstrong | Associate of Arts | |
Michael | Astle | Associate of Applied Science | Criminal Justice |
Michael | Astle | Certificate | Law Enforcement Skills |
Cynthia | Asumea | Associate of Science | Nursing |
Jacob | Bakken | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | CNC Technologies |
Evan | Bayer | Associate of Arts | |
Peter | Beam | Associate of Applied Science | Natural Resource Law Enforcement |
Claire | Beckel | Associate of Arts | |
Tyler | Bloom | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Heavy Equipment Operation & Maintenance |
Sylvia | Borash | Associate of Arts | |
Alexis | Brewer | Associate of Arts | |
Rebecca | Bronder | Certificate | Sustainable Local Food |
Dinah | Brown | Associate of Science | Nursing |
Jonathan | Carlson | Associate of Science | Nursing |
Joshua | Christian | Associate of Applied Science | Mobile Application Development |
Haley | Christoffersen | Associate of Applied Science | Business Management |
Joseph | Courtright | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Heavy Equipment Operation & Maintenance |
Donna | Crimmins | Certificate | Microsoft Office Professional |
Joseph | Cutkay | Associate of Arts | |
Eva | Dabill | Associate of Arts | |
Morgan | Dabill | Associate of Applied Science | Child Development, Care & Guidance |
Rachel | Danielson | Associate of Arts | |
Matthew | Deabenderfer | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Heavy Equipment Operation & Maintenance |
Tarah | Dombovy | Associate of Science | Nursing |
Eldon | Eastvold | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Heavy Equipment Operation & Maintenance |
Tonya | Elling | Associate of Science | Nursing |
JoLene | Elliott | Associate of Applied Science | Individualized Studies |
Brooke | Englund | Associate of Arts | |
Diana | Espana Garay | Associate of Science | Nursing |
Diana | Espana Garay | Associate of Arts Honors | |
Nichole | Fargo | Associate of Arts | |
Lucy | Felten | Associate of Science | Nursing |
Shae | Feltz | Associate of Arts | |
Baylee | Foster | Associate of Arts | |
Adam | Gessell | Associate of Applied Science | Natural Resources Technology |
Adam | Grams | Associate of Applied Science | Horticulture |
Melissa | Gropper | Associate of Science | Nursing |
Hannah | Guin | Associate of Arts | |
Angelica | Guzman | Associate of Arts | |
Joshua | Hanson | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Heavy Equipment Operation & Maintenance |
Kathleen | Hanych | Associate of Arts | |
McKayla | Harrington | Associate of Arts | |
Whitney | Haukos | Associate of Arts | |
Lucas | Hauser | Certificate | Essentials of Farm Business Management |
Ty | Held | Associate of Applied Science | Diesel & Heavy Equipment Technology |
Brianne | Hove | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Medical Assistant |
Mechelle | Howieson | Certificate | Essentials of Farm Business Management |
Nathan | Huber | Associate of Arts | |
Caden | Johnson | Associate of Arts | |
Gregory | Johnson | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Heavy Equipment Operation & Maintenance |
Courtney | Jones | Associate of Arts | |
Cynthia | Jorgensen | Associate of Science | Nursing |
Tammy | Karels | Associate of Science | Nursing |
Karen | Kimber | Certificate | Essentials of Farm Business Management |
LeAnne | Kirby | Associate of Arts | |
Kendra | Koehn | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Medical Assistant |
Sierra | Kramer | Associate of Arts | |
Eric | LaFountain | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Heavy Equipment Operation & Maintenance |
Nicole | Lahr | Associate of Arts | |
Abby | Larson | Associate of Arts | |
Susan | Larson | Associate of Science | Nursing |
Alivia | Leidenfrost | Associate of Arts | |
Steven | Ley | Certificate | Essentials of Farm Business Management |
Akhsa | Malinskaya | Associate of Science | Nursing |
Kali | Meyer | Associate of Science | Nursing |
Brooke | Mickelson | Associate of Science | Nursing |
Kurt | Mitthun | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Heavy Equipment Operation & Maintenance |
Samuel | Neff | Associate of Applied Science | CNC Technologies |
Jacob | Nelson | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Heavy Equipment Operation & Maintenance |
Stephanie | Nelson | Associate of Science | Nursing |
Stanley | Nemec | Certificate | Applications in Farm Business Management |
Richard | Nolan | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | CNC Technologies |
Conner | Nuno | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Heavy Equipment Operation & Maintenance |
Helena | Oslowski | Associate of Science | Nursing |
Erick | Peters | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Heavy Equipment Operation & Maintenance |
Maggie | Peterson | Associate of Arts | |
Channing | Peyton | Associate of Applied Science | CNC Technologies |
Christopher | Pistone | Associate of Science | Nursing |
Spencer | Raatz | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Heavy Equipment Operation & Maintenance |
Ashley | Rambow | Associate of Arts | |
Aubrie | Retka | Associate of Arts | |
Brooke | Richards | Associate of Arts | |
Nicholas | Roberts | Associate of Applied Science | Individualized Studies |
Rachel | Ruhl | Associate of Arts | |
Amber | Schmidt | Associate of Science | Nursing |
Logan | Schoon | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Heavy Equipment Operation & Maintenance |
Alana | Schroeder | Associate of Arts | |
Shawna | Schuety | Associate of Science | Nursing |
James | Schumacher | Certificate | Applications in Farm Business Management |
Tiana | Scribner | Associate of Arts | |
Brandon | Seitz | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Heavy Equipment Operation & Maintenance |
Zachary | Senst | Associate of Arts | |
Cynthia | Shimek | Associate of Science | Nursing |
Rebecca | Smude | Associate of Arts | |
Luke | Sombke | Associate of Applied Science | Enology |
Laura | Squires | Associate of Arts | |
Amber | Stroschein | Associate of Science | Nursing |
Stacie | Sundholm | Associate of Applied Science | Business Management |
Alicia | Swanson | Associate of Applied Science | Child Development, Care & Guidance |
Alexie | Tauzell | Associate of Science | Nursing |
MacGuier | Thorman | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Heavy Equipment Operation & Maintenance |
Timothy | Tierney | Associate of Applied Science | Criminal Justice |
Carsten | Timmerman | Diploma of Occupational Proficiency | Heavy Equipment Operation & Maintenance |
Heather | Toftness | Associate of Science | Nursing |
Samantha | Tollefson | Associate of Applied Science | Horticulture |
Kelechi | Tonye | Associate of Science | Nursing |
Taylor | Traut | Associate of Science | Nursing |
Tiffany | Traut | Associate of Science | Nursing |
David | Trimble | Associate of Applied Science | Business Management |
Rudi | Turner | Associate of Arts | |
Ashley | Van Heel | Associate of Science | Nursing |
Crissy | Villella | Associate of Science | Nursing |
Caleb | Warren | Associate of Arts | |
Griffin | Webster | Associate of Arts | |
Samantha | Welle | Associate of Science | Nursing |
Ann | White | Associate of Applied Science | Accountant |
Ashley | Whitney | Associate of Arts | |
Karen | Zierden | Associate of Arts |