More Central Lakes College students will benefit through a large estate gift to The E. Terry Skone Scholarship Fund.
The E. Terry Skone Scholarship Fund was established in 2007 and is awarded to CLC students with financial need from the Crosby, Deerwood or Aitkin areas. The recent estate gift of $200,000 will bring the fund balance to nearly $250,000.
“This is an incredible gift and will have a lasting impact on our students who come to CLC from the Cuyuna Range. We are honored to carry out Terry’s wishes through his scholarship fund,” said Jana Shogren, Director of Resource Development & Central Lakes College Foundation.
CLC President Dr. Hara Charlier added, “We are sincerely thankful for the opportunity to touch so many students’ lives with this gift from Terry. His legacy and passion for students will live on with every student impacted with this scholarship fund.”
Skone was born and raised in the Deerwood area and lived there most of his life. He graduated from the Crosby-Ironton High School, class of 1958, Gustavus Adolphus College in St. Peter, MN, class of 1962. He then furthered his education at the Graduate School of Banking in Madison, WI, graduating in 1967. Skone owned/directed Deerwood Bank for 42 years. Before passing away in May 2015, Edward “Terry” Skone was involved in several community groups and service organizations
“Terry was a charter member of the Central Lakes College Foundation and believed deeply in the mission to help remove barriers to students attaining post-secondary education,” said John Ohlin, President and CEO of Deerwood Bank and a CLC Foundation Board member.