Thanks to a recent contribution to the Patrick Abrahamson Scholarship Fund, additional students will benefit through the fund at Central Lakes College Foundation.
Faye Abrahamson helped establish this scholarship fund in memory and honor of her late husband, Pat Abrahamson, in 2013. The fund assists students enrolled in CLC’s Small Engine or Auto Mechanics programs. To date, five students have benefited from the fund.
Pat Abrahamson was an instructor at CLC in the small engine and auto mechanic programs for 32 years. He retired in 2002 and passed away in 2011.
Each year, Faye raises money through raffle tickets at the annual American Legion Fall Rendezvous, which her husband was instrumental is starting before he passed. The event is a benefit for veterans and their families, another passion of her husband’s.
At this year’s Rendezvous, Faye Abrahamson was able to raise $1,555 for her husband’s scholarship fund.
Paul Hofmann, Marine and Small Engine Technology instructor at CLC, said it’s nice to see the scholarship keep growing.
“Pat was an instructor of mine when I was a student and this scholarship holds a little extra meaning because of that,” he said.