Complete your BrightStart Online Orientation and get your name entered into the drawing for CLC prizes, including a $50 gift certificate to the CLC Bookstore! Everyone who has successfully completed the entire orientation and submitted a copy of your BrightStart certificate to the “BrightStart Prize Giveaway Assignment Submssion Folder” under the assignment tool before 4:30 pm on Friday, August 26 will be eligible for the Grand Prize drawing.
There will also be one drawing per day that will happen at 4:30 p.m. Monday, August 22 through Friday, August 26, so the sooner you get your orientation done and certificate dropped to that folder, the more drawings there are in which you could be entered. Winners will be notified via their school email and an announcement sent out on Twitter and Facebook. If you don’t follow @clcmnedu, do so now!
What is BrightStart?
Brightstart is a free online course with three modules: Using D2L Brightspace, Preparing for Success, and Resources for Success. The modules include information and application activities that allow you to set up your D2L Brightspace account and practice using the tools that you will use in your classes.
Who should complete BrightStart?
Regardless of your D2L Brightspace experience so far, you will learn something new about how to use D2L Brightspace to support your success. Students who are new to CLC or online/hybrid learning are especially encouraged to complete the orientation.
Is BrightStart required?
Some instructors may require the BrightStart course as an assignment in their classes. Upon completion, you will receive an electronic certificate to turn in to verify completion of the course. You will only have to complete it once, regardless of the number of classes that require it.
When should I complete BrightStart?
The sooner the better! You can access the course anytime while you’re a student at CLC. If it is assigned in your classes, you will likely be required to complete it in the first week of class. Wouldn’t it be great to have it done to lighten your load in the first week of school? Students who completed the orientation in the past said they wished they had completed it before classes began so they could start off the semester already feeling comfortable with D2L Brightspace.
How long does it take to complete?
Most students reported spending 2-3 hours on the orientation. The time you spend may be more or less than this depending on your experience and comfort level with technology and D2L Brightspace in particular.
How do I get started?
To access BrightStart, log into D2L Brightspace by going to, clicking on Student Quicklinks, and selecting D2L Brightspace. Log in with your StarID and password.