On Tuesday, Nov. 9, at 7:30 p.m. the newly remodeled Chalberg Theater at Central Lakes College in Brainerd will ring with the sounds of “Fall Breezes,” a fall semester concert by the CLC Community and Jazz bands. The concert will feature large-group music from “The Minnesota Portraits,” a 2004 commissioned concert band suite in three movements by St. Olaf graduate Carl Schroeder (left), originally written for the Calhoun-Isle Community Band. The suite of musical sketches is inspired the state’s landmarks and history to showcase the 28-year-old composer’s impressions of historic Fort Snelling, the Mississippi River, and Lake Calhoun. The community band will also perform traditional marches, American folk tunes, and hymns. “The Jazz Band portion of the concert runs the gamut from cool jazz to 70s average white band funk,” said Director Steve Anderson. The Community Concert Band is in preparation for its first international tour to Europe in July of 2011. Proceeds from the Nov. 9 concert help defray costs associated with the trip. General admission is $3 for adults, and free for age 12 and under and CLC students with identification. For information contact Anderson at (218) 855-8215 or sanderso@clcmn.edu