Central Lakes College has been awarded a 5-year, $2,199,895 million grant by the Office of Postsecondary Education, U.S. Department of Education under the federal Transitions Program for Students with Intellectual Disabilities (TPSID). Central Lakes College is one of 27 institutions of higher education in 23 states receiving this grant. The funding allows CLC to partner with Ridgewater College, Willmar, and the University of Minnesota. CLC and Ridgewater are both community and technical colleges whereas the Institute on Community Integration at University of Minnesota is a federally designated University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities. Under the grant, the three institutions will establish a comprehensive and inclusive model for engaging and retaining students with intellectual disabilities in higher education programs. Dr. Suresh Tiwari (left), vice president of academic and student affairs at CLC, is the principal investigator for the grant. He will assume primary responsibility along with Rick Kangas, interim dean of enrollment and student services at CLC, for convening and imanaging a state advisory committee to address issues related to the grant project.