Home / Campus News / CLC students to celebrate Medical Assistants Recognition Week

CLC students to celebrate Medical Assistants Recognition Week

The Medical Assistant students at Central Lakes College in Staples are gearing up to celebrate Medical Assistants Recognition Week, Oct. 19-23, as designated by the American Association of Medical Assistants (AAMA). Medical assistants across the country will be recognized during this week and honored on Medical Assistants Recognition Day, Wednesday, Oct. 21.

In celebration of Medical Assistants Recognition Week, CLC students have planned the following special events and activities on the Staples campus:

Monday will be pajama day; Tuesday will be crazy hair or pink day in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month; Wednesday will be camouflage or twin day; Thursday will be 60s, 70s, 80s day (decade of choice).

Students are selling Butter Braid pastries until Thursday, Nov. 5 to earn money for their spring field trip to the Shriner’s and Mayo Clinics in March. Anyone wishing to purchase pastries may contact Dawn Michel at 218-894-5137 or dmichel@clcmn.edu until Nov. 5. They will be delivered Nov. 24.

Service Learning Projects for this year’s students include helping with the Staples campus fall cleanup for Service Day, volunteering for the Staples Red Cross blood drive that is held each fall and spring.

Students will be completing a two-day Service Learning Project assisting the Bertha-Hewitt School District with its yearly K-12 hearing and vision screenings at the end of October.

They also participate in college-wide career fairs throughout the year.


About Jessie Perrine

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