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Three Central Lakes College welding students have obtained apprenticeships at Lakeland Mold in Brainerd, a growing manufacturing facility and college collaborator. Jordan Hultgren, Pepin, Wis., Peter Wolkenhauer, Brainerd (pictured showing Brainerd High School junior Matt Jares samples of student welding at CLC), and Seth Strassburg, Burtum, are working Monday-Thursday in a modified second shift that permits them to be employed at the production plant following their academic day at CLC. Instructor Mike Reeser said he is pleased to have been able to provide the trio when Lakeland Mold requested some top students. Mike had provided some training to about a dozen lead welders at the company for a special project and learned of the hiring prospects. Mike also assisted at the Tour of Manufacturers event that began today at Lakeland Mold and continues at several area firms on Saturday.

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